Resume a Draft Permit Application or Notification

The following only applies to permit applications or notifications that you can create from within the SafeScript Health Practitioner Portal.

  • Prescribers

If required, you can resume working on a draft at any time.

  1. Open the draft permit application or notification, either from the patient's profile, or from your Items screen.

    The draft opens on the screen you were last on when you saved the application.

  2. Review your answers for each of the screens and provide any additional information as required. See the relevant help topic for details.

    Apply for an S8 Permit

    Apply for a Pharmacotherapy Permit

    Notify of a Drug-Dependent Person

    On the Summary & Declaration screen, there is a Declaration and confirmation checkbox.

    When you are ready to submit your permit application or notification:

    1. Read the Declaration then, if you are able to make the declaration, select the checkbox.

    2. Click Submit.

      A confirmation popup displays.

    The Department of Health will process your application or notification and, if required, notify you of the next step.